Humber College Real Estate
Salesperson & Broker
Exams Overview
We have a study guide for every Humber exam course, we got you covered from start to end!
Course 1: Real Estate Essentials - Study Guide, Humber College Real Estate.
This Guide covers Humber Course 1: Real Estate Essentials. It sets important groundwork about career basics, regulatory requirements and legislation impacting real estate salespeople. Let us take a load off your mind. We’ve got hundreds of professionally developed practice questions, with detailed answer explanations, so you can tackle your exam with confidence
Course 2: Residential Real Estate Transactions - Study Guide
This Guide covers Humber Course 2: Residential Real Estate Transactions. It encompasses a massive range of topics from agency and mechanical systems to offer preparation and transaction closing. The key to success is a disciplined and progressive study approach, as every exam is different. This guide includes over 1,000 professionally developed questions and covers the course from start to finish, so it's easy to be well prepared on exam day.
Course 3: Additional Residential Real Estate Transactions - Study Guide
This Guide covers Humber Course 3: Additional Residential Real Estate Transactions. It dives into specialty markets including condos, new construction, rural and recreational properties, multi-family buildings and tenancies. The key to success is understanding the details. This guide includes professionally developed multiple choice questions and covers the course from start to finish, so it's easy to be well prepared on exam day.
Course 4: Commercial Real Estate Transactions - Study Guide
Guide covers Humber Course 4: Commercial Real Estate Transactions. Retail, office and industrial real estate may be unfamiliar territory for many. Get ready for floor area ratios, space planning, clear spans, sale/leasebacks, investment options, taxation, and the intricacies of business sales and commercial leasing. The exam is heavily weighted towards new terminology and properly preparing agreements. Invest wisely when it comes to studying. Let Passit be your trusty guide through the twists and turns of the commercial world. This guide includes professionally developed multiple choice questions and covers the course from start to finish, so it's easy to be well prepared on exam day.
Real Estate Admission Test - Study Guide
Broker: The Real Estate Broker Course - Study Guide
Every Humber Course & A+ Results!
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All study guides include LIFETIME access so you can always drop back in for a refresher. You also get access to all future course updates, it can't get better than this right?